Re: dotless j

From: Marion Gunn (
Date: Tue Jul 06 1999 - 05:21:07 EDT

Christopher J. Fynn wrote:
> ...
> If this sort of thing is going to occur (and I think it is more or > won't it cause less problems to assign this entity an official encoding despite
> it's dubious claims to this status?
> - Chris

I agree (otherwise, we might end up with the bad situation of the past,
where only SIL and similarly invasive publishers prevailed).
Marion Gunn

I attach 2 current examples typical of SIL's unchanging attitude: msgs
containing their "advice to natives wanting more than dingbats", which
is “go find your own font designers/programmers”.:-(

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, wrote:
> Much more likely that a font maker would design an expert set font, if they were
> going to be careful, or stick it any old place in the font if they weren't.
> Either way, I think what Tim has described is a variant glyph and not a distinct
> character.
> Peter

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, wrote:
> ...
> Well, on Mac OS 8.6 (.5?) and later, text can be rendered using ATSUI
> interfaces, which are the standard interfaces that all app developers are being
> encouraged to write to. I don't have first hand knowledge of them, but my
> impression is
> ...
> Peter

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