Re: Presentation forms

From: G. Adam Stanislav (
Date: Tue Jul 06 1999 - 15:02:34 EDT

On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 09:15:37AM -0700, John Cowan wrote:
> I have some approximate mapping tables for various CM fonts,
> in Unicode Consortium format; they can only be approximate
> because, e.g., TeX uses the same glyph code (0x41) for "A" and "Alpha".
> The tables use five non-Unicode entries altogether:
> variant Greek epsilon, dotless j, non-directional single quote,
> and hooks for left and right arrows.
> Anyone with a natural home for these tables, BTW?

If all you are asking is some web space to post a couple of files, I would
be happy to add such a page to my

In fact, I would be happy to make that page sort of a directory of glyph
related links as long as people are willing to help provide the
necessary information. That would make it a natural home. :-)

Just send the tables to me and give me a couple of days...


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