Re: Imperialist humor

From: Kevin Bracey (
Date: Wed Jul 07 1999 - 13:15:09 EDT

In message <>
          Michael Everson <> wrote:

> Ar 12:52 -0700 1999-07-06, scríobh Alain:
> >A 12:18 99-07-06 -0700, Deborah Goldsmith a écrit :
> >>> <humour>
> >>> Happy Fourth of July to all the cultural imperialists :-) by the way.
> >>> </humour>
> >>
> >><humor>
> >>Thank you. You will be assimilated. Resistance is useless.
> >></humor>
> >
> >The brain-washed sentence is "Resistance is futile" (pronounced in two ways
> >in the same program)...
> Possibly, but the _funny_ part was the expectation that the browser could
> interpret both <humour></humour> and <humor></humor>

Acorn Browse's HTML parser accepts both COLOR and COLOUR as valid attribute
names... I couldn't bear to put only the US spelling in :)

Kevin Bracey, Senior Software Engineer
Pace Micro Technology plc                     Tel: +44 (0) 1223 725228
645 Newmarket Road                            Fax: +44 (0) 1223 725328
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