A 13:56 99-07-07 -0700, Jonathan Coxhead a écrit :
> Just in case anyone is confused ...
> | Resistance is useless.
>is what the Vogons say before they demolish the Earth to make way for a
>new hyperspace bypass in _The_Hitch-Hiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_ by
>Douglas Adams.
> | Resistance is futile.
>is what the Borg Collective say in _Star_Trek:_the_Next_Generation_ et
>seq, by diverse hands, before they attack the Federation with their
>horribly beweaponed battle cruisers^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Borg
> For what it's worth.
[Alain] Yes, but with the whole set of two brain-washed sentences "You
will be assimilated. Resistance is futile", it has to come from the Borgs,
no? That's why I made the correction. (; The motto is also used by the
Borgs in the Star Trek Voyager series...
Alain LaBonté
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