Re: Plain Text

From: Edward Cherlin (
Date: Thu Jul 08 1999 - 01:55:51 EDT

At 09:50 -0700 7/5/1999, Frank da Cruz wrote:
>[Ed wrote...]
>> How do we deal with delimited database transfer files with a fixed
>> limit on line length?
>I don't see how these files would be affected. You can put line separators
>in them if you want, or leave them out.

So the line length limit is an option?

>> To summarize your answer to my objections, we are defining a new format
>> independent of previous conventions, in which we can specify usage of the
>> minimal set of formatting characters regardless of usage in text files of
>> 7-bit ASCII and 8-bit character sets of any kind, while allowing for a few
>> variant flavors of text, such as preformatted, reflowable, and
>> database.
>> To which I add, that we can specify a portable implementation,
>> too, and not have to wait for computer and OS vendors to get on board.
>Double yes.
>- Frank

Edward Cherlin
"It isn't what you don't know that hurts you, it's
what you know that ain't so."--Mark Twain, or else
some other prominent 19th century humorist and wit

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