Hi all,
Rightly or wrongly, I believe some people take this to mean a fraction
typeset with a solidus or slash instead of a horizontal bar.
Sorry, I don't have references handy at the moment.
* From: "Figge, Donald" <Donald.Figge@usa.xerox.com>
* To: Unicode List <unicode@unicode.org>
* Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 11:29:30 -0700 (PDT)
* Does anyone out there know if the term "vulgar," as related to fractions, is
* a generic term meaning "a fractional value represented in
* numerator/denominator mode" (as opposed to decimal representation), or does
* it refer specifically to em fractions (as opposed to en fractions)? Thanks
* in advance.
* Don
* //
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