I have many comments on this, but I should go away now for an operation.
I disagree very much with the things gregg is saying, since it makes the
situation messy and difficult. There are also some little mistakes.
I will be able to reply on Sunday perhaps.
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Reynolds, Gregg wrote:
> Not sure what you mean by "arabic people", but since I read and speak it I
> guess I'll butt in.
> 1. FATHATAN is not a vowel, it's a vowel plus nunation. It can only come
> at the end of a word (with one class of exception I'll describe below); this
> should be part of its semantics. At least this is the case for encoding
> Arabic text; I don't know if this applies to other literary traditions that
> use the Arabic script.
> [many lines omitted]
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