Re: Naming font styles for Chinese ideographs

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 19:52:43 EDT


> > That character written "with a jog in its vertical stroke" is
> > simply a stylistic variant on the same character. That glyph would
> > be unified with U+5DE5 as a character. Or if not, why not?
> Because Mao uses it distinctively from the canonical form of _gong1_.
> So do sources that quote this passage of Mao's (I know of at least
> one). The importance of _Mao2 Ze2dong1 xuan3 ji2_ calls for the
> inclusion of this variant as a character.

Giving new meaning to the notion of an idiosyncratic character,
I guess.

But one would have to ask, given the importance of _Mao2 Ze2dong1 xuan3 ji2_,
why then did not the China State Bureau of Quality and Technical
Supervision choose to include this gong1 as a separate character in
GB 2312-80 or GB 12345-90?

> > As for a _ren2_ consisting of "three
> > _pier3_ crossing the _na4_", none of the Chinese here can make any
> > sense of that --
> Not "consisting of"; it is a U+4EBA with three extra _pier3_ across
> its _na4_.
> > a picture would help!
> For convenience' sake, I'll make a simple drawing with fixed-width
> ASCII characters:
> /
> /
> / \ /
> / X /
> / / X /
> / / X
> / / \__

And the picture did help!

> > But in any case, the way
> > Scott is describing this sounds like another glyph variant -- and
> > not a separate character to be encoded.
> Again, Mao contrasts it with the canonical form of _ren2_.

Idosyncratic *and* revolutionary. But, of course, Mao was not just
your ordinary Zhou, so to speak. So it is conceivable that a personal
invention like this that he used for theoretical effect might be
blessed by lexicographers and Chinese standardizers as a new Han
character. Certainly it wouldn't be the first time such things have
happened with Han characters.

But I'd prefer to see what the accumulated Han repertoire expertise
of the IRG comes up with for the massive new collection of Vertical
Extension B for Plane 2 of 10646-2 in the near future. Shouldn't we
expect China to determine the repertoire they feel is appropriate to
contribute from their side for that extension?

--Ken (U+4F83, with 3 extra _pier3_ on the _ren2bu4_)

> Scott Horne

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