lucinda sans unicode

From: Judith Kirkman (
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 01:25:01 EDT

I hope I have the right venue and am not boring everyone with a dumb
question but.... I have looked everywhere for the answer.

I am about to do a teaching english as a second language course and I need
to have phonetics on my pc. I was emailed a document from the school using
lucinda sans unicode and after a deal of searching I found a copy on the web
which I have installed (a few times). I am running windows 95 and this font
is not standard. I can print all of the phonetic characters but on some
display on the screen. I have tried all sorts of things to get it going and
all to no avail. PLLLLeease help me someone.


judith kirkman
Please note change of fax number for Hughs work from 1/4/99

Jude Kirkman
45/36 (Apt.A.20) Rattanakosin View Mansion
Soi Juengjaroenpanich
Bangyikan, Bangplad
Bangkok 10700
Tel :(66 2) 883 0759 (home)
Fax (66 2) 281 2428 (Hugh's work)
       (66 2) 434 1574 (Home)

Hugh's Work Address:
UNEP/RCU10th Floor UN ESCAP Building
Rajdamnern Ave.Bangkok 10200

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