From: Addison Phillips (
Date: Sun Oct 03 1999 - 13:55:25 EDT

Frank wrote:
>I suppose it makes sense that the situation would be better in NT. Win9x
>also has the CHCP command, but you have to reboot after using it, and you
>are also cautioned against using it at all, for fear of "disk corruption".
>Furthermore, US versions of Windows supply only two code pages for you to
>change between: CP437 and CP850.

The situation in Win9x is absolutely awful. At least with Win3.1 you could
install any (Western) code page and change with impunity. You can install
whatever code page you like in Win9x, but you'll be sorry if you change code

But since we're talking about NT...

>> chcp 10000 changes to Unicode (well, UCS-2) and you can display real
>> Unicode text in your "DOS" shell.
>This is interesting. What happens, then, when you try to run a
>non-UCS2-aware application in the console window? That is, something that
>prints only ASCII strings (without NULs between each character)? Is it
>total garbage, or does it display correctly by some magic?

You get what you'd expect: garbage on the display. This is *not* wrong: I
expect the display to obey it's code page setting in all instances. Having
UTF-8 support would be nice in this regard, but you have to realize that
ASCII doesn't even fully support most programs in *English*, let alone other
languages. UTF-8's ASCII compatibility is best saved for file systems and
parsers, not as a surrogate for internationalization.


        Addison Phillips
        Director, Globalization Engineering
        SimulTrans, L.L.C.
        2606 Bayshore Parkway
        Mountain View, California 94043 USA

        +1 650-526-4652 (direct telephone)
        +1 650-969-9959 (facsimile) (Internet email) (website)

        "22 languages. One release date."

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