>> - to clarify that SIL does not have as an agenda to
writing systems for every one of the world's languages
>If I'm not mistaken, the SIL has an agenda to promote
of the Christian bible into more and more languages.
>This is exactly why I decided, years ago, that the SIL was
not for me.
>Scott Horne
This is *well off topic* for this list. I have no intention of
pursuing religious discsussions in this forum or trying to
initiate a thread of discussion, but feel I need to represent
the organisation I work for, so I'll comment only briefly keep
it limited to the following:
It is well known that SIL provides support to many people with
many affiliations (including a large number of indigenous
organisations and mother-tongue translators) who are doing
Bible translation in minority languages around the world. This
is by no means, however, all that SIL does in the way of
assistance to speakers of minority languages throughout this
world. For example, SIL has had extensive interaction with
UNESCO and the governments of numerous countries in the areas
of literacy and bilingual education for the benefit of minority
language communities. We are engaged in programs in some
countries where we are not in any way involved in Bible
While not everyone on this list may share our values in
relation to Bible translation, there are several in this list
who share our interests in and concerns for the smaller
linguistic communities of the world. I am endeavouring to share
what SIL resources I can make available to others on this list
at that level, for the benefit of minority language
communities, without trying to pursue other agendas.
As for translation of the Christian Bible, I personally look at
it this way: the rabbi Jesus of Nazareth said,
"You have heard that the Law of Moses says, 'Love your
neighbor' and hate your enemy. But I say, love your
enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way,
you will be acting as true children of your Father in
heaven." (Good News according to Matthew, ch 5, vv 43ff)
Apart from any religious convictions I may hold, I have no
qualms whatsoever translating this message for the benefit of
anybody anywhere in the world, while leaving them the choice to
read it or not.
In respect of the purpose of this list and the divers views of
the members, I won't pursue discussion on this topic any
further here.
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