John> On the other hand, I can only read Scott Horne's recent posts as
John> 'troll' messages, whose only purpose seems to be to insult other
John> list members and to draw discussion off-topic. Sarasvati, are there
John> not list guidelines relating to such posts, or are we all assumed to
John> be mature enough to monitor ourselves?
I highly recommend personal responsibility. Delete the offending messages.
As pointlessly obnoxious as I find some posts, it is no great effort just to
ignore messages from the perpetrator. And who knows, that person may actually
have something worthwhile to say. Some day.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab The first virtue is to restrain the tongue;
New Mexico State University he approaches nearest to the gods who knows
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL how to be silent, even though he is in the
Las Cruces, NM 88003 right. -- Cato the Younger (95-46 B.C.E)
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