Re: what format does the characters get stored in database

From: Linus Toshihiro Tanaka (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 18:30:48 EST

Hello Bhupesh,

It really depends on what database you are using. Also, it really
depends on what kinds of column types and what kinds of encoded
character sets (character encoding schemes) of the database you are

Another thing is that what you see through certain database API may or
may not be same format (character encoding scheme) as inside the
database. For example, even if UTF-8 is used inside database, some API
may provide UCS-2 interface.

| Linus Toshihiro Tanaka 500 Oracle Parkway M/S 4op7
| Server Globalization Technology Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A.
| Oracle Corporation email:

> Bhupesh Vora wrote:
> I am new to this area can any one tell me that
> if the application written in hindi ( or any language ) how will it
> store in
> database ie in which format it stores in database (does it stores the
> characters), how it is retrived from database and displayed the stored
> the
> values in database.
> does it stores unicode value for the character or the character it
> self or
> in the binary form...
> your comments on this will be highly appreciated
> Bhups,

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