Gecko in mozilla source tree is a Unicode based layout library.
WebShell in mozilla source tree is a set of interface that allow application to
embed Geck into their application. So... in a sense, it is a Unicode library.
GFX in mozilla source tree is a Unicode based graphics rendering system which
support multiplatform.Gecko use GFX to render Unicode.
There are many other part of Mozilla are Unicode based library. nsString in
mozilla/xpcom/ds/ is a Unicode based string class written and maintained by
You can find Unicode converter library under mozilla/intl/uconv
You can find Unicode based line breaker and word breaker under
You can find Unicode based case conversion and Japanese halfwidth to fullwidth
text transformation under mozilla/intl/unicharutil. nsString delegate the case
conversion work to implementation in here for non ASCII characters.
Our SpellChecker API are also Unicode base. wrote:
> Dear fellow Unicoders,
> I would like to publish a list of libraries for Unicode (& i18n) and
> related fonts and tools on a public IBM web site.
> A few weeks ago, Markus Kuhn sent a short list - see below. It is my
> starting point.
> Mark Davis has collected a different list of products and operating systems
> that support Unicode, and we are trying to get that published now on an IBM
> site, too.
> If you think that you have something that fits in here, or you know of a
> great library etc., then please let me know.
> I am not sure yet how broad or narrow to make this - it will depend on the
> kind of feedback I am getting.
> Many thanks!
> markus
> Markus Scherer IBM Cupertino, CA +1 408 777 5860 Fax ..5891
> ---------------------- Forwarded by Markus Scherer/Cupertino/IBM on
> 99-11-04 14:31 ---------------------------
> Markus Kuhn <> on 99-10-14 02:51:35
> To: "Unicode List" <>
> cc:
> Subject: Re: C and C++ libraries for handling Internationalization
> "Rajashekhar Hiremath" wrote on 1999-10-14 09:22 UTC:
> > Any idea, about the C and C++ libraries available for handling
> > internationalization?
> to name a few starting places for your search.
> Markus
> --
> Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
> Email: mkuhn at, WWW: <>
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