Re: Authoring multilingual webpages

From: Christopher John Fynn (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 10:28:23 EST

The only way to handle this - without resorting to gif images, .pdf files or
similar methods - seems to be to use the CSS @fontface tag for embedded
 fonts, downloaded when they do not already exist on the client. Last time
I looked Netscape / Bitstream's TrueDoc embedded fonts still did not work
properly with Unicode. Embedded fonts created using Microsoft's WEFT
seem to work better - but you need IE 4 or 5 to view them.

There was also a W3 proposal for a form of SVG embedded fonts.

- Chris

----- Original Message -----
From: Corey Miller <>
To: Unicode List <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 10:01 PM
Subject: Authoring multilingual webpages

> I would like to write webpages using an assortment of Unicode characters
> (e.g. Chinese, IPA, etc.) and have them be generally viewable. Is there
> a browser and method of authoring (e.g. directly in Unicode, specifying
> charsets, etc.) that will enable people to view pages without requiring
> them to have particular fonts installed and particular mappings between
> fonts and languages specified?
> Thank you,
> Corey Miller
> Nuance Communications

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