I am including all of the message for those who might not be on the Unicode
Asmus> At 10:08 AM 12/3/99 -0800, Mark Leisher wrote:
>> I have a web page showing the results from tests of two (soon to be
>> three) freely available bidi reordering packages for Unicode text. The
>> text I used for the tests as well as the test programs I wrote for all
>> three are
>> available as well:
>> http://crl.nmsu.edu/~mleisher/ucdata.html
>> Please feel free to donate additional tests/code, point out problems,
>> or make comments.
Asmus> The really interesting question is how do these algorithms compare
Asmus> with the official bidi reference implementations published by the
Asmus> Unicode Consortium.
Asmus> The Unicode sample code is availabe at
Asmus> http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/BidiReferenceCpp/
Asmus> http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/BidiReferenceCpp/
Asmus> The Technical report states:
Asmus> 1 Reference Code
Asmus> There are two versions of BIDI reference code available. Both have
Asmus> been tested to produce identical results. One version is written in
Asmus> Java, while the other is written in C++. The Java version is
Asmus> designed to closely follow the steps of the algorithm as described
Asmus> in this report. The C++ code is designed to show one of the
Asmus> optimization methods that can be applied to the algorithm, using a
Asmus> state table for one phase.
Asmus> It is very important to note that any implementations that don't
Asmus> match the published algorithm, as evidenced by yielding different
Asmus> results than the reference implementations, are *not conformant*.
Asmus> Since the whole purpose of the bidi algorithm is to allow *writers*
Asmus> to predict the ordering of their text on the *readers'* screen,
Asmus> adherence to the conformance requirements is crucial.
Asmus> The published reference implementations were tested exhaustively up
Asmus> to sequences of length 6 against each other, and stochastically for
Asmus> much longer sequences, with special prefixes used to force the
Asmus> implemenations to hit the maximum nesting level during some portion
Asmus> of the tests.
Asmus> I would encourage Mark to test his algorithms exhaustively against
Asmus> the reference code and report his results here.
Asmus> For more details on bidi and the conformance requirements read the
Asmus> report at:
Asmus> http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/
Asmus is quite right. I have used the code he pointed out to add a column of
reference results to http://crl.nmsu.edu/ucdata.html.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab I have never made but one prayer to God,
New Mexico State University a very short one:
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL "Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous."
Las Cruces, NM 88003 And God granted it. -- Voltaire, letter
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