Re: Where to Add new Currency Sign? -- Cultural adaptability

From: John Clews (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 18:33:06 EST

In message <> "N.R.Liwal" writes:

> As computers are going to be multiligual, therefore the ISO two charachte> r
> of Roman Script may not be acceptable to certin nations, for instance
> in my country few people can read the roman script and can understand
> it. Therefore they will not like AFs or AFA for Afghanis.

But that's what is already in ISO 4217. It benefits international
trade in an increasingly global environment, that people dealing with
currencies of all sorts can use such codes (and I'm not sure of the
exact code for Afghani currency unit in ISO 4217).

Nothing says ISO 4217 codes have to be in use in Afghanistan if
Afghanistan prefers a different solution as a national standard.

Best regards

John Clews

John Clews, SESAME Computer Projects, 8 Avenue Rd, Harrogate, HG2 7PG
tel: 0171 412 7826 (day); 0171 272 8397 (evening); 01423 888 432 (w/e)

Committee Chair of ISO/TC46/SC2: Conversion of Written Languages; Committee Member of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG20: Internationalization; Committee Member of CEN/TC304: Information and Communications Technologies: European Localization Requirements Committee Member of the Foundation for Endangered Languages; Committee Member of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC2: Coded Character Sets

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