>DOTLESS J is a character in Swedish L?ndsm?lalfabetet,
>and Norway, Finland, and Ireland will be proposing all
>that stuff in due course. We are coordinating
>L?ndsm?lalfabetet with Dania and Norvegia, as well as
>with the Finno-Ugric Phonetic Alphabet (FUPA) for which
>a preliminary draft has been made available.
The last time I got involved in discussing dotless j, I got
shot at, but I'll brave it again...
This thing was wearily thrashed last summer, and no clear
evidence for a need for dotless j was presented. Micheal is
promising us some evidence in the above-mentioned proposal. I'm
perfectly happy to put this issue aside until they have their
proposal ready.
As for TeX, it seems clear that the dotless j is provided for
use as a presentation form only. Let's please not burden
Unicode with the skeletons in other people's closets.
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