When I read books, I see the Arabic/Farsi pharyngealized consonants
transcribed either of 2 ways: with an underdot, or with a cedilla (US-BGN
style) instead. That situation is mainlt concerned with the letters H, S, D,
T, Z with the appropriate overstrike mark (underdot or cedilla), as follows:
Letter With Underdot With Cedilla
H.a' 1E24, 1E25 1E28, 1E29
S.ad 1E62, 1E63 015E, 015F
D.ad 1E0C, 1E0D <D>+0327, <d>+0327
T.ad 1E6C, 1E6D 0162, 0163
Z.ad 1E92, 1E93 <Z>+0327, <z>+0327
The 'sorts' for the glottal stops are as follows: 'alif/'alef—02BE,
`en/`ayin—02BF. The locations for the long vowels (having an overstruck
macron) are as follows: A-long /ah/—0100/0101, E-long /ey/—0112/0113,
I-long /ee/—012A/012B (note that the dot's gone), O-long /oh/—014C/014D,
U-long /oo/—016A/016B, shwa-long /uhh/—018E+0304/01DD+0304; the normal
'short' vowels are the unmarked vowel letters (A /a·/, E /eh/, I /ih/, O
/o·/, U /uu/, & the characters at 018E & 01DD /uh·/—respectively). The
semilong vowels (used primarily in diphthongs,...) are denoted by the
circumflexed vowels (most of which are within the Latin 1 subset; semilong
shwa would be keyed in as 018E+0302 & 01DD+0302, likewise). Unfortunately,
since the double-wide underbar isn't yet encoded into UniCode, making the
KH/kh or GH/gh underbarred digraphs for the laryngeal fricatives would prove
itself difficult, but if you substitute khi & ghamma in place of the digraphs
(as is sometimes done), you may use the (normal, single-wide) undebar at
position 0320. The voiced- letter for the umlauted form of glottal ha' is
located at 0126/0127 (because they're also used in Maltese & the UMRE
phonetic system).
I sure this helps you in the area of Arabic romanization. Thank You!
Robert Lloyd Wheelock 63 Wilson ST Augusta, ME 04330-9473 USA
RWhizz12@aol.com 1(207)623-5176
My new e-mail address: RobL12Whlk@worldspy.net—PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF IT!!
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