Re: copyleft symbol

From: Christopher John Fynn (
Date: Mon May 29 2000 - 10:19:41 EDT

Bernd Warken <> wrote:

> There are such documents. The manual pages groff(7), groff_tmac(5), and
> roff(7) were written by me, with the legal ownership donated to the Free
> Software Foundation. We would really like to use the copyleft sign as
> soon as possible - with some U+xxxx code.

Maybe you could ask Michael Everson and John Cowan to list a code for this
symbol in the ConScript Unicode Registry which is a co-ordinated and publicly
listed - but unofficial - assignment of codes for constructed scripts in the
PUA. (Even though "copyleft" is a single constructed symbol rather than an
entire constructed script.)

In the (imo) unlikely event that you could get this symbol accepted in the
Unicode and ISO 10646 standards I expect the process of doing so would take at
least eighteen months - which is probably much longer than you want to delay
publication of your documentation. If they are agreeable Michael and John could
probably register this character in ConScript in much less time. This would at
least give you a listed U+xxxx PUA code for the character (albeit unofficial)
and would not preclude it from being registered in Unicode and ISO 10646 at some
later date.

- Chris

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