Re: Converter for BIG5

From: Sean O Seaghdha (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 02:28:17 EDT

Ar 6 Sep 2000, ag 21:25 scríobh viswanathan
fán ábhar "Converter for BIG5":

One possibility out of many:
NJStar Communicator 2.2 comes with a Universal Code Converter - look under the nán
[Big5] «n [HZ] ~{DO~} menu. It does conversions between CJK encodings & Unicode
(UCS2, UTF8, UTF7). For 32-bit Windows platforms only!

 S e á n Ó S é a g h d h a

To see the essence in the unessential and to see the essence as
unessential means one can never get to the essence, wandering as
one is in the road of wrong intentions. Dhammapada:11

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