Re: Unicode 3.1 update?

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 13:43:05 EST

Jarkko stated:

> is still carrying the beta files.

That is because we are still in the beta period. Not all data files
are final yet, and not all files for the Unicode Character Database
for Version 3.1 have been completed and posted yet.

The UTC met this week and made final decisions about Unicode 3.1.
Those decisions will be rolled into the draft documentation for
the UAX for Unicode 3.1 and into the data files.

When everything is completed (probably in the middle of next month,
but certainly before March 30), this list will be notified, and there
will be a splashy announcement of the official release of Unicode 3.1
on the website.

In the meantime, keep checking the beta data files for possible errors,
and report anything you find to


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