RE: UTF8 vs. Unicode (UTF16) in code

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Sun Mar 11 2001 - 13:35:41 EST

At 1:17 AM -0800 3/9/01, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
>I am wondering especially about the CJK characters in Extension B. We all
>know that the majority of them are rare, ancient or idiosyncratic
>characters, but I am not quite sure that this is true for *all* of them.

Some of the characters in Extension B are required for JIS X 0213
support, which is going to be a sine qua non in Japan within a few
years. There was a push a little while ago to put these characters
on the BMP for precisely this reason, but it was opposed both within
the UTC and WG2 and then abandoned.

John H. Jenkins

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