On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, public@lischke-online.de wrote:
> I agree with the ads-issue but you will get used with that little
> four-liner.
This is a proof by blatant assertion. I'm on a couple of Yahoo lists,
and I really hate the ads.
> Many people have a longer signature (also on this list).
Well, they shouldn't... 8-) Remember that the ad comes in _addition_
to the signature. Additionally, it is not preceded by "-- ^M^J" which
would ensure that decent email clients would remove it automatically
when replying. Partially as a result of this, many people do
unfortunately not bother to remove them when replying, which is even
more annoying.
> Managing through web or "command line" is a matter of taste and
> cannot be discussed.
Sure it can. Many mailing list interfaces give you the choice
(Mailman springs to mind) but with Yahoo, you _have_ to do it by web.
>> While Yahoo groups may have a powerful server and backbone the
>> amount of traffic on that server and backbone means that it would
>> not necessarily be any faster than the current set-up.
> Also agreed. I want to point out that their servers are at least as
> reliable as the one currently used for this list.
I know next to nothing about the server that the list is currently
hosted at. Where do you get the information that you're basing this
comparison on?
> PS: I sent two test mails one after another to one of mailing lists
> (to test the encoding) and received them already but I still have
> not received my first mail to the Unicode list. But I guess this
> half-an-hour delay has to do with the server change, isn't it?
It seems to be a bit slow currently, I'll give you that much.
-- Gaute Strokkenes http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~gs234/ If I felt any more SOPHISTICATED I would DIE of EMBARRASSMENT!
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