[unicode] Avalanche recovery

From: Sarasvati (root@unicode.org)
Date: Wed Mar 21 2001 - 20:15:24 EST

Dear Uni-cadets...

After wading through many thousands of messages indirectly related
to configuration of the new mail system, and more dozens of messages
about the mail list itself and options... I shall venture a few brief

For the moment, the [unicode] subject notation will be retained.
Some of you will be happy to know that there is now a digest mode
available. I will send an informational packet soon.

Some have asked why not move the list to Yahoo?

There is one strong reason why Sarasvati does not move the list
to Yahoo or some other "free" service:

Here, she controls the horizontal, the vertical, the bits, the disk,
the source-code, the business plan, the budget, and the bottom line
(in addition to literature, music, a fair portion of the visible
cosmos, and a hefty dollop of the so-called dark matter elsewhere).

At Yahoo, others are in control, and they are free to pull plugs
at their whim, even if our users are not amused by their antics.

Sarasvati is also annoyed by advertisements in e-mail and web pages.
Here, she can provide an advertisement-free, wholesome place for
people to gather under the Unicode umbrella. She is also the
third most responsive mail-list administrator south of the Arctic
Circle... (Have you tried contacting tech support at Giant Conglomerate
Dot Com recently? Or spent an afternoon on the phone to Moebius Strips
Inc? Or tried to order DSL in Silicon Valley?)

Remaining, with cheery regards from beneath the avalanche of mail,
Your effervescent,

        -- Sarasvati

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