Otto Stolz scripsit:
> Of course, if you allow for
> names comprising several characters, it would be better to spell out the
> multiplication operator; U+22C5, U+2219, U+00B7, and 00D7 coming to mind.
Yes, of course. But that wasn't at all the case I had in mind. Letting x
and y be two random variables (misnomer if ever there was one, but hey),
then x-bar times y-bar is different from (x times y)-bar. The former
wants a space between x-bar and y-bar, the latter wants a bar over both
x and y, and although COMBINING OVERLINE will serve to draw the latter,
and COMBINING MACRON the former, they are really both higher-level
-- John Cowan One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore --Douglas Hofstadter
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