Ar 25 Mar 2001, ag 13:06 scríobh Marion Gunn
fán ábhar "Re: Helpful info":
> what prompted my own e-mail of today to the list, specifically requesting
> my address be given status 'hidden'.
I did this a couple of days ago just to be sure. This info was in
Sarasvati's message, but here's an abbreviated version. The address for
commands is...
...and the command is simply...
set unicode hidden
You can put the command in the subject line if you're only sending one
command or in the body of the mail message if you're sending multiple
S e á n Ó S é a g h d h a
Atcota sotngne sídugud. [Déanann caoinchaint suaimhniú.]
Seanrá Sean-Ghaeilge.
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