[unicode] Re: removing compromises from unicode ("WCode")

From: Marco Cimarosti (marco.cimarosti@essetre.it)
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 12:26:39 EST

Jonathan Coxhead wrote:
> A while ago, I tried to perform a similar exercise: work out which
> characters in Unicode are "atomic", [...]
> The result is at <http://www.doves.demon.co.uk/atomic.html>.

I find that it is a very interesting work. You are too humble if you
consider it just a joke.

As a minimum, it can be an excellent pre-analysis for planning the design of

> It would be very entertaining to do the same job with the
> ideographs (down
> to the radical level) and count the number of atoms.

I am afraid that it would be a very long work, as entertaining as cooking
stuffed arms.

But I am sure that, if such a work would ever see light, Markus Scherer's
"WCode" would look as subversive as Queen Mother's room maid.

_ Marco

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