I have a table automatically generated from the Unicode data files
available at:
which you will find useful. First column is the character code in the
Arabic block, second column is its joining class, and next columns are the
glyph codes in the Arabic Presentation Forms (A, B) blocks. It only lists
the characters that have all their presentation glyphs also in Unicode,
which may not be enough for you, based on the market you're targeting.
(It's enough for Arabic language and Persian language communities.)
I also have some experimental code for doing the conversion, but that may
be not usable for you, because it's protected by GNU GPL
(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). It is suits you, contact me
On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: eisen_ho@yahoo.co.kr [mailto:eisen_ho@yahoo.co.kr]
> Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 08.37
> To: marco.cimarosti@essetre.it
> Subject: Arabic display problems
> Dear Sir/Ms,
> We are one of Set Top Box manufacture in Korea.
> We have some problems in display Arabic fonts on TV via our digital
> satellite receiver.
> On my understanding, it is needed to convert Unicode 0600 to FE70
> (Arabic Presentation Forms-B) for combined fonts display on TV.
> Please let me know where I can get the converting software which
> convert 06xx Unicode to FExx Unicode.
> i am looking forwards to hearing from you.
> Thanks,
> JH Choi
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