[unicode] Re: Moving mail lists

From: Jungshik Shin (jshin@mailaps.org)
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 15:18:44 EST

On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Marco Cimarosti wrote:

> Mark Leisher wrote:
> > >> Those whom can filter their mail also can alter the
> > subject line easily with, for example, small perl script.
> >
> > % perl -ne 's/\[unicode\]// if (/^Subject:/);' messagefile
> I'd really need a thing like that but, unfortunately, I don't sit in front
> of a powerful Linux box with Perl and all the rest.
> Does anyone have a solution for MS Outlook under Windows NT?

 My reply to Mark Leisher's email(sent a moment ago) would have
helped you if your mail server were Unix-based (it doesn't matter what
mail client you're using. MS OE can take advantage of my recipe
based on procmail as it's a full-fledged IMAP4 client). Unfortunately,
it seems not judging from your mail header.

  However, there still may be something you can do about it. Why
don't you try filtering your MS OE mailbox (MS OE mailbox format is
almost? plain text, isn't it?) thru 'sed' or 'perl' (both of which are
available for Windows NT)?

> If I don't succeed stripping that "[unicode]" away, I am unable of following
> discussions. Questions sort far away from their replies; I cannot find a
> message by typing the first few letters of the subject (because they are
> always... guess what); even the feature "View by Conversation Topic" is made
> useless by the "Re:" being after "[unicode]".

 If MS OE can make use of 'References:' and 'In-Reply-To:' header in email
as well as in Usenet news(I know it does in Usenet news), you still
get threading ('true' treading as opposed to 'pseudo-threading' based
on Subject header) in quite a lot of cases (trouble is not all mail
clients preserve or add these two headers to outgoing messages)

  BTW, I'm for removing '[unicode]' as it's causing some trouble
for some people and there are other ways to identify messages coming
from Unicode list (such as the address of the recipient unless one puts
the list address in Bcc: header. Even in that case, with now verbose
headers added by listtar, it's trivial to automatically identify messages
from the list and put them in a separate folder if one wishes to)

  Jungshik Shin

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