18th Unicode Conference, April 2001, Hong Kong -- Latest news

From: Lisa Moore (lisam@us.ibm.com)
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 18:54:10 EST


Some updates on the Hong Kong Unicode conference - the hotel rooms are
going fast,
so I encourage you to register and make your hotel reservation soon.

Thanks and hope to see many of you next month!


          Eighteenth International Unicode Conference (IUC18)

               Unicode and the Web: the Global Connection

                           April 24-27, 2001

                               Hong Kong



 * Four more days to book hotel rooms, though April 23 and 27 have
    sold out.

 * Visit the Conference Web site to check the detailed program and
    register. To help you choose Conference sessions, we've included
    abstracts of talks and speakers' biographies.


    Agfa Monotype Corporation
    Basis Technology Corporation
    Microsoft Corporation
    Netscape Communications
    Oracle Corporation
    PeopleSoft, Inc.
    Progress Software Corporation
    Reuters Ltd.
    SAP AG
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
    Wrox Press




    Visit the Conference Web site to view the detailed program
    (complete with abstracts and speaker biographies) and to register
    for the Conference.


    Harbour Plaza Hong Kong
    20 Tak Fung Street, Hung Hom
    Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Tel: +852 8121 3188
    Fax: +852 8121 3311


    Visit the Showcase to find out more about products supporting the
    Unicode Standard, and products and services that can help you
    globalize/localize your software, documentation and the Internet

 Exhibitors to date include:

    Agfa Monotype Corporation
    AIA Everlasting Systems Ltd.
    Oracle Corporation
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Sybase, Inc.


    Global Meeting Services Inc.
    4360 Benhurst Avenue
    San Diego, CA 92122, USA

    Tel: +1 858 638 0206 (voice)
         +1 858 638 0504 (fax)

    Email: info@global-conference.com
       or: conference@unicode.org

                            * * * * *

 Unicode(r) and the Unicode logo are registered trademarks of Unicode,
 Inc. Used with permission.

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