Support for UTF-8 in ISO-2022/6429 terminals

From: Darren W. Morby (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 14:59:26 EDT

Hello, all.

I am in the midst of creating a technical note for UTF-8, which my colleague
Jeremy and I recently added to our supported terminal emulations.

One of these emulations, historically known as our "ANSI task", is for DEC
VT220, ISO 2022 (ECMA-35) and ISO 6429 (ECMA-48). Now, we added UTF-8
support to the ANSI task following the ISO-IR 196 specification. But I'm
stuck on this question:

Who USES it?

Does anyone know of any examples of host computers or operating systems that
actually use UTF-8 on an ISO 6429 implementation?
(I'm talking host-side here, not terminal-side like the xterm program.)


-- Darren --

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