Re: UTF-8 syntax (RE: UTF-8S (was: Re: ISO vs Unicode UTF-8))

From: John Cowan (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 15:13:51 EDT scripsit:

> XML requires (recommends?) data to be
> normalised in normal form C. That imposes private (well, open actually, but
> private in the sense of limited to that protocol) constraints against
> otherwise legal Unicode character sequences.

Currently it neither requires nor recommends such. That may change,
but with due regard for backward compatibility. The W3C (i.e. Misha,
Martin, and me :-)) are thinking about it.

Further deponent sayeth not.

John Cowan                         
One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore
	--Douglas Hofstadter

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