Re: UTF-8S score keeping

From: Mark Leisher (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 17:35:05 EDT

    Tex> Hi, I am losing track of the discussion, so I decided to create my
    Tex> own score sheet. So far I have:


Indeed. I would contend that anything inspiring this quantity of confusing
(to me anyway) verbiage is probably dubious at best. A good sign that the
answer lies somewhere else.


Cranky that the "UTF-8S Letters" evoke Joyce's "Ulysses,"
Mark Leisher Times are bad. Children no longer obey
Computing Research Lab their parents, and everyone is writing
New Mexico State University a book.
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Las Cruces, NM 88003

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