From: <>
> I'm never ashamed of perfectly good code I've written to fulfill a
> requirement. I'm only ashamed of badly written code, or code that
> a bad idea that someone else thinks is a good idea.
The latter is kind of the worry I had -- a long time ago I learned that
whatever I do in public (irregardless of how unserious, improbable,
inapproproriate, or ineffectual), someone somewhere will one day walk up to
me impressed by the positive impact this thing has done for them. It saved
their life, got them their promotion, kept their husband from leaving them,
whatever. :-)
> To keep well-meaning people from misinterpreting humorous UTF proposals as
> serious, while still allowing the levity to flow freely, I hereby propose
> that UTFs proposed in a non-serious light be indicated in lower-case
> (e.g. utf-64, utf-17) while the serious UTFs and proposals should remain
> upper-case (e.g. UTF-8, UTF-16).
A proposal needs a definition, though:
UTF would mean "Unicode Transformation Format"
utf would mean "Unicode Terrible Farce"
Or something like that? Seems kind of scary to me, I guess I am one of those
humourless folks.
> Hopefully this form of tagging will prevent people from worrying about
> proposals contributing to the proliferation of UTFs, so we can get on with
> the business of worrying about real proposals contributing to the
> proliferation of UTFs.
Anything is possible, but anything that hurts the SNR hurts that real
business you refer to. :-)
Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.
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