On the U.S. English version, it's 437. I believe this is different in the
localized versions, but I don't have any to check with. The command I use
is 'chcp', without any options (graftabl will also get the job done). chcp
can also be used to change the codepage as necessary, although the available
options are somewhat limited.
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Solaris, so I can't help you
— Jeffrey
> Hi,
> Do you have any idea what is the default code page and encoding scheme for
> MS DOS box in WinNT 4? Is there any command that can give me the info? I
> trying to input a string say "fr " at the prompt, wondering how the
> characters are encoded.
> How about at the Unix (Solaris 2.6) prompt, what's the default and how to
> change?
> Thanks.
> Will
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