Good Unicode fonts

Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 01:45:41 EST

Here are two bad fonts:

Bitstream Cyberbit is OK big, but scales down poorly.

Unicode Arial's kana look like they were drawn by a person who never before saw kana.

Know of any good ones?

I drew a fraktur "ya" and I think it came out pretty good. I mean kana ya, in hiragana. Are there fraktur unicode fonts? Or would hiragana "nu" be too hard to fraktur-ize?

Any Unicode font that scales down well and was drawn by someone who actually uses the languages would be OK. A *good* Unicode font is the result of an international effort, unless I do the kana (and you point out that my "u" is funny and tell me how to fix it), you do the hangul you spent 3 years in Korea seeing, someone on my campus maybe does the Arabic,... that is the ONLY good way to do it.


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