FW: Web Globalization and Unicode Experts to Meet in Washington, D.C.

From: Misha.Wolf@reuters.com
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 15:08:46 EST

----- Forwarded by Misha Wolf/LON/GB/Reuters on 28/11/2001 20:12 -----
                    Tex Texin
                    <texin@progre To: IUC Review <review@unicode.org>, "Magda Danish (Unicode)"
                    ss.com> <v-magdad@microsoft.com>, Mark Davis <mark@macchiato.com>
                    27/11/2001 Subject: Web Globalization and Unicode Experts to Meet in
                    19:20 Washington, D.C.
                                         Header: Internal Use Only

The press release went out yesterday. Looks good to me! ;-)


It also has been picked up by www.globalization.com and notice went out
in their daily mail and is in their "Latest News" banner on their web

Hopefully the announcement will also appear in other media and magazines
over the next 2 months.

Tex Texin                    Director, International Business
mailto:Texin@Progress.com    Tel: +1-781-280-4271
the Progress Company         Fax: +1-781-280-4655
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