Re: attachment size

From: Sarasvati (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 00:14:32 EST

Dear Little Ones:

Michael E suggested:

> Unicode list policy is to NOT send attachments to the lists.

to which Doug E. replied:

> I just sent a 500-byte attachment to the Unicode list
> without any qualms.

The policy is rather to let the piranhas chew up people who send
huge attachments. Little attachment are not troublesome.

This list has a 52k limit on message body size, regardless
of content, and there is not a specific policy that I care
to enforce about little attachments or mail formats.

Use good judgement, please.

Little at suggested using
or Sarasvati's birth year. However, in terms of C.E., that is
an inappropriately large negative number.

By the way, the other day on this list Michael K called
out my name, but I thought you all were reaching the correct
conclusion without interference, and I see the controversy
has blown over.

Cheery regards from your,
        -- Sarasvati

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