At 16:35 +0100 2002-02-03, Stefan Persson wrote:
>Italics is better supported than Fraktur, as most word processors have an
>option for using italics with any font installed on the computer. For
>Fraktur one has to use a different font. There is no Fraktur font widely
>spread on all Windows computers or something like that, so it's almost
>impossible to using Fraktur text in any public document or similar w/o using
Are you saying you don't have a Fraktur font? There are many
available. See
>Why was Fraktur supported for mathematics, but not for old
Because a semantic distinction is made in mathematics between the
single letter "A" and the single letter "<fraktur>A</fraktur>" -- a
distinction which does not obtain in Fraktur as used
-- Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***
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