Re: When to use markup: (Was:Introducing the idea of a "ROMAN VARIANT SELECTOR" (was: Re: Proposing Fraktur))

From: John Hudson (
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 14:19:16 EST

At 10:55 2/3/2002, Michael \(michka\) Kaplan wrote:

> > Um, for italics one has to use a different font also. Many
> > programs provide an italics button that activates the italic
> > member of a font family, but this still involves selecting a
> > separate font.
>Au contraire, sir! Many fonts *do* have a separate ".TTF" files for the
>italic version, bu there are just as many that do not, yet the italic option
>does not find itself disabled in programs.

Ah. Those 'italics'. Those are not italics. Those are slanted romans.
Sorry, I thought we were talking about typography.

In Adobe InDesign, the italic function is disabled if an italic font is not
available. There is a separate control for slanting text, but it is not
possible to accidentally produce a sloped roman in the absence of an italic
font. This is how it should be.

John Hudson

Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC

... es ist ein unwiederbringliches Bild der Vergangenheit,
das mit jeder Gegenwart zu verschwinden droht, die sich
nicht in ihm gemeint erkannte.

... every image of the past that is not recognized by the
present as one of its own concerns threatens to disappear
                                               Walter Benjamin

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