On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, John Cowan wrote:
> Gaspar Sinai scripsit:
> > Now the exact same file is viewed with two different viewers
> > at the bottom of this page:
> >
> > http://www.yudit.org/security/
> Outlook Express, at least the version you are using, has a bug;
> it is failing to set the overall directionality to RTL even
> though the first character is strongly RTL. The fact that
> some implementations are buggy is hardly an argument against
> either the use of bidi or Unicode.
I am sorry but someone on this list has just said:
|The bidi algorithm is anything but vague. Any
|implementation can be rigorously tested against two
|reference implementations, to ensure fully compatible
So does this mean that Microsoft does not rigorously
test their products? Or does this mean the test is
wrong? Or maybe the algorithm is vague?
I expect at least one yes answer here.
Come on guys this is only *one* example. And it
happened in MS outlook too. (No more screenshots please
none of my friends use that product any more).
I am ready to publish regularily bad rendering of
the *buggy* implementations of the non-vague unicode
BIDI (or the non-buggy implementations of the *vague*
BIDI - take your choice).
I wonder which cost more to regualrily patch and
change products or to change the standard and use
a reversable bidi.
It may take some time to find the bug - but the bug
will be there...
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