Re: Database To Web Browser

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 09:22:32 EST

Since they were using a Windows code page before (1252) I was striving to
keep it simple. There are several others that can be used if you know the
code page numbers used by Windows.

I have found (however) that some non-MS implementations of ASP do not
support all code pages, which makes 1251 a bit safer (IMHO).


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc. --

----- Original Message -----
From: "Otto Stolz" <>
To: "Michael Kaplan" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: Database To Web Browser

> Michael (michka) Kaplan wrote:
> > The @CODEPAGE directive or Session.CodePage property must be set
> > to 1251 for cyrillic text to properly be sent from ASP code to
> > the browser.
> Why only that one? What about ISO-8859-5, KOI8-R, CP 855, or UTF-8,
> to name only a few popular ones of the myriad of encodings for
> cyrillic text? Cf. <>.
> So, the programmer has to consider the following questions:
> - In which encoding shall I keep my own data?
> (henceforth: "Reference encoding")
> - In which encoding shall I present my WWW page to the reader's browser?
> - How can I convert my reference encoding to the encoding for the browser?
> This one is answered above, I guess.
> - How do I inform the browser of the encoding I have chosen?
> This one is easy: cf.
> <>.
> - In which encoding will the browser report the user's entries to my
> script, either server-side (GGI, PHP), or client-side (Java,
> - Can the user choose another encoding than I have proposed, and if so,
> how can my script determine the encoding chosen?
> - How can my script convert the user's input to my reference encoding?
> I really do not know the answer to most of these questions, and I'd be
> happy to learn about them. (In particular pertaining to HTML forms and
> server-side PHP scripts).
> Best wishes,
> Otto Stolz

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