Re: Variation selectors for narrow/wide EastAsian glyphs

From: Werner LEMBERG (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 02:20:37 EST

From: David Starner <>
Subject: Re: Variation selectors for narrow/wide EastAsian glyphs
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:26:48 -0600

> On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 03:48:48PM -0800, Michael (michka) Kaplan wrote:
> > SIDE NOTE: The fact that this discussion is going on would perhaps
> > be further proof that variation selectors are opening up a can of
> > worms we do not want to be opened...
> As a member of the list, let me point out this is considered
> neccesary to properly support preexisting charsets. (The given
> purpose is to allow charset emulation software so you can run a
> legacy locale on a purely Unicode xterm.) If it's not done through
> a Unicode character, it will be done through a terminal escape
> sequence. It's not a completely spurious request - the right layer
> just needs to be found to support it.

Exactly. It isn't a generic variation selector; its function is very
precisely defined and can't be extended -- it is possible to make an
exact list of Unicode characters which are affected by it.


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