Re: Unicode and Security

From: Elliotte Rusty Harold (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 15:45:25 EST

At 12:28 PM -0800 2/7/02, John Hudson wrote:

>1. The software industry has already devised mechanisms to protect
>against e-mail forgery, e.g. private-public key encryption.

And nobody uses them because they're too complex.

>2. What you describe is criminal fraud and there are laws to protect
>against such 'spoofing' and to punish those who perpetrate it.

Yes, there are. And there are laws to protect against spam and denial
of service attacks and cracking systems. For that matter there are
laws to protect against burglary, but I still have locks on my front
door. Laws are no substitute for prevention.


+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | Elliotte Rusty Harold | | Writer/Programmer | +-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001) | | | | | +----------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Read Cafe au Lait for Java news: | | Read Cafe con Leche for XML news: | +----------------------------------+---------------------------------+

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