At 04:17 AM 2/8/2002 +0330, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
>On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
> > Trust is a human question decided by human beings, not a boolean answer
> > that comes out of a computer algorithm. I can trust that the message I'm
> > replying to came from a person named "Barry Caplan" even if I have no
> > proof of that whatsoever.
>Or that the book you're reading has been written by a person named
>"Nicolas Bourbaki"...
>(Sorry, I love the idea. I could not stop myself.)
On what basis can "Elliotte" know that a message purported to be from
"Barry Caplan" actually is from "Barry Caplan", or that there even is a
"Barry Caplan"? The person writing this, who claims to be "Barry Caplan",
has never met anyone named "Elliotte Rusty Harold" to the best of his
recollection. He ("Barry Caplan") does claim to personally be acquainted
with many others on this list though - hi - sorry I missed you in DC! :)
Best Regards,
Barry Caplan - coming soon, preview available now
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