IPA keyboard

From: DougEwell2@cs.com
Date: Sat Feb 09 2002 - 02:40:26 EST

I am looking for information on IPA keyboards. I would like to build a
keyboard for SC UniPad that would allow the user to type IPA characters

What I want:
- Text. (Could be plain text, PDF, Word, Excel, etc.)
- Keys referenced by ISO 9995, scan codes, or U.S. English assignment
- Characters referenced by Unicode values, or at least SGML entities
- Preferably no more than four (4) discrete keyboard states

Linux keymaps are fine if they meet the above requirements.

What I don't want:
- Graphic images without a corresponding text description
- Anything that requires me to install Keyman
- Anything related to "ASCII IPA"

Auy such information would be appreciated.

Thank you,

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California
 (address will soon change to dewell at adelphia dot net)

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