Re: spoof buddies

From: $B$m!;!;!;!;(B $B$m!;!;!;(B (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 02:22:07 EST

>But in this case I would ask people responsible for that not to disable
>feature in future Russian editions of Office. It would help not only to
>detect "spoof buddies" but also allows easier input of IPA diacritics.
>Because even with 1024x768 resolution on 15" monitor it is difficult to
>dots from rings.
>Thank you, Vladimir Ivanov
And it's gosh darn IMPOSSIBLE to... can you read kana? It is impossible to
read ha gyou kana with diacriticals, because pa-pi-pu-pe-po look like
ba-bi-bu-be-bo. Even Japanese cannot tell them apart, I think.

Do there exist official Russian names of Unicode characters? They could
probably be constructed with slightly less difficulty than English names. I
have seen an interesting "iroha-garuta" site where the kana are given
Russian names. I think Cyrillicization (is that a word?) would be better
for Japanese than Romanization.

If these Russian names do not exist, maybe you can make some up! I know
there are French names!



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