>As a poor software maker, I suppose I ought to defend other software
>makers. >EVERYONE KNOWS that Unicode and UTF-16 are the same thing. It is,
>>unfortunately, irrelevant that in this case (as in so many others) "what
>>everyone knows" happens to be untrue. We exist to conform to the user's
>>expectations, not to educate him; still less to confuse him by replacing
>a nice >simple word (Unicode) with indigestible code letters and digits
>(UTF-16BE or >whatever).
>That said, has anyone a suggestion for names of available output formats
>(as >presented to an end user) that would not confuse the user but would
>satisfy the >purist?
Just about anything would seen to be an improvement over the PR which
Unicode now gets every time a user selects "Unicode" (when it means UTF-16)
on his browser encoding menu and gets total gibberish on his screen.
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