Re: Unicode and end users

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 20:45:35 EST

At 09:22 AM 2/14/02 +0000, Martin Kochanski wrote:
>Are there, in fact, many circumstances in which it is necessary for an end
>user to create files that do *not* have a BOM at the beginning?

In principle this is a requirement for data being labelled *external to the
date* as being in either UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE (ditto for UTF-32). These
formats *must not* have a BOM.

However, it may be the case in practice that protocols in which documents
are labelled that way, don't accept separately edited documents, so this
may be moot.

UTF-8 should *never* contain the BOM.

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